Market Research

Research plays a critical role in strategy and message development, and in building market/customer understanding. It can also provide valuable information for use within many elements of a communications programme e.g. publications and meeting content .

We design insightful, yet cost effective, qualitative and quantitative market research for all target groups and stakeholders. Our bespoke surveys, skilled researchers and informed analysis allow us to provide you with invaluable research insights and recommendations that help you to fine tune both your marketing activity and your business offering.

So, we can help you whether you need to know why a Pharmaceutical Advisor advocates a specific drug, why a prescriber prescribes a specific drug, or why a patient subsequently fails to take it!



Europa Healthcare Consulting Limited. Registered in England and Wales No: 6072060  VAT No: 900 6373 53
Mount Scipetts Wood Farm, Blackbird Lane, Forest Green Road, Holyport, Maidenhead
Mount Scipetts Wood Farm
Blackbird Lane
Forest Green Road
Holyport, Maidenhead
Berkshire, SL6 3SX
Tel +44(0)1628 779700
Fax +44(0)1628 778809